Cookbook Lab Chronicles: Episode 1, Preparing to Write

hi, i'm chelsea!

You'll find me just outside of Portland, Oregon, hopefully in my kitchen with a big glass of Willamette Valley red wine and sous viding salmon my husband caught that week, unwinding after a day of recipe development, food photography, and marketing freelance work. Say hi on Instagram: @the.cookbook.lab

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Welcome to the Cookbook Lab Chronicles! As I write and self-publish cookbook #2, I’m taking you behind the scenes of the process with a weekly vlog.

To get on the wait list for the Cookbook Lab (revamped self-guided version coming mid-February 2021!), enter your email address below and I’ll send you my guide to help you Determine and Validate Your Cookbook Topic.

Head here to see all of my self-publishing resources.

In this week’s episode, I sort of ramble aimlessly BUT we cover:

  • Common question: “How do you blog and write a cookbook at the same time?” Answer? A lot of work ????
  • What I’m doing to prep my blog for cookbook writing
    • Building out my blog editorial calendar through July
    • Spent the last week testing and shooting 6 recipes
    • Hiring and outsourcing where I can
      • Virtual Assistant (paid)
      • My mom ???? (unpaid kitchen assistant)
      • Outsourcing video editing because it’s a time suck and I don’t like it
    • This week, I hope to write the blog posts for those 6 recipes and build out my social editorial calendar for the next couple of months
  • The plan: batch create content for blog for 6ish weeks, focus on cookbook for 4ish weeks, repeat. This will be easier or harder depending on the phase of the cookbook creation process I’m in.

Got questions or comments? Drop ’em below and I’ll get back to you!

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